Lose all progress, but move to the next Stage. Each Stage has its own unique theme.Current Stage: Microworld.

Discharge. Reset current Structures and Energy. Will also boost production by , if to reset with enough Energy.

Vaporization. Structures, Upgrades, will be reset. But in return gain Clouds. It takes a lot to form more than one.

Current Rank is: .

Collapse - everything will be lost, but at same time gained. Even remnants have their own unique strength and effects.




Placeholder: 0 [0]

producing: 0


Placeholder: 0 [0]

producing: 0


Placeholder: 0 [0]

producing: 0


Placeholder: 0 [0]

producing: 0


Placeholder: 0 [0]

producing: 0


Placeholder: 0 [0]

producing: 0


Tritium production of Molecules: 0

Preons production hardcap starts at 1e14(Production to hardcap ratio is 0)

Boost from Discharge goals: 1

Missing Energy: 0

Tritium production of Moles: 0

Boost to Puddles from Clouds: 1

Preons production of Mass: 0

Cosmic dust production hardcap starts at 1e48(Production to hardcap ratio is 0)

Boost to Cosmic dust from Drops: 0

Solar mass from Collapse is limited to 1(Hardcap will be reached in 60 seconds)

Current effects

Solar mass: 0Boost to all Stars

Red giants: 0Boost to Main-sequence

Neutron stars: 0Boost to all Stars

Black holes: 0Boost to Solar mass gain

Solar mass after Collapse: 0

Stage time: 1 seconds (Real: 0 seconds)

Offline storage is full

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